Active projects

Karraskan Embassy

We promote the KARRASKAN Embassy (Basque network for innovation in culture and the culture of innovation) because it puts us in contact with other agents that work in non-disciplinary ways that involve collaboration and hybridisation in art and cultural practices

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Sarean Embassy

We are members of, and collaborate with, Sarean, an association for the sociocultural revitalisation of Plaza Corazón de María. This project articulates many cultural relations and agents in the district.

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Associated projects

R-Ladies Bilbao

R-Ladies is an international network focused on promoting gender diversity in the R community, an open code programming environment that is widely used for data manipulation.

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iifac-e, facilitation training

Theory and practice training designed to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the processes involved in the areas of power, leadership and participation. It also seeks to achieve an understanding of dynamics that can facilitate decision-making and communication.

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Bilbao Data Lab

Bilbao Data Lab is a community of people interested in data culture, visualisation and analysis, fostering the use of open practices and tools. Are you interested? You can follow us and/or join our mailing list.

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Dibujatolrato sin parar

We are an open group that meets every Monday afternoon to draw non-stop (or “dibujartolrato sin parar”) in Bilbao. If you feel like coming to draw non-stop any Monday, you can just turn up to the meeting place. Come along!

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Archived projects