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R-Ladies Bilbao

R-Ladies is an international network focused on promoting gender diversity in the R community, an open code programming environment that is widely used for data manipulation. The initiative was started in 2012, by researcher and data science specialist Gabriela de Queiroz. Today, there are almost 180 local groups in 48 countries, and the figure continues to grow. A group of researchers created R-Ladies Bilbao and then approached Wikitoki to carry out several workshops.

Wikitoki started to work with R-Ladies Bilbao in 2019 on an ad hoc basis, with their collaboration becoming closer in 2020.

More information:

Meetup R-Ladies Bilbao

Entrevista a R-Ladies Bilbao para el blog de Wikitoki

1er taller: Visualización de datos, Introducción a ggplot2

2º taller: Desarrollo de paquetes de R con RStudio

3er taller: Taylor y Sailor, Diagramas para comparar diferentes simulaciones frente a las observaciones


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