In artistic, cultural and creative fields, of social innovation, community development, solidarity economy, ecology, citizen participation, mediation, equality, educational innovation, free technologies,… There are many agents developing our activity in scenes, many times, hybrids or diffuses. Our practices are in an intermediate point and in constant redefining, between the market and the community, between offering services and developing our own projects, between research and applications, between work and activism. We develop projects with an experimental, transdisciplinary and collaborative character, in which designers, artists, architects, technologists, educators, communicators, economists,… coexist.
Al that causes for us to find almost every time an undetermined terrain -in the middle of everything, but in the centre of nothing-, which makes, even more complex, searching for financing ways and opportunities that make sustainable the organizational structures and networks, and the projects to develop. In addition, the ones developing this project, many times have a limited vision of the financing framework and usually – due to ignorance, to acquired routines or to organizational inability-, we work in a recurring way inside our own niches, without diversifying possibilities and exploring new ways.
That is why from Wikitoki we activated CHANGE, a collective research campaign, which playing with the ambivalent idea of change (the transformative and financial one), expects to help to identify agents and programmes linked to various ways of calls, grants, sponsorship, patronage, crowd funding and other financing alternatives for this type of proposals. In addition, some reflexive ideas will be incorporates, which will help us think about the financing conditions, as well as expand and diversify the limited horizon of possibilities we usually work with, inviting to open new perspectives and exploring new opportunities.

How can you help?
If you are AN AGENT LOOKING FOR FINANCING or A FINANCING AGENT, we ask you to give us some minutes and to help this collective research by filling out a for, with which we want to achieve two things:
- To identify specific agents and programmes related in different ways to financing experimental and innovative projects for the change, based on culture, society, economy, environment, organizational models, mediation, participation, collaboration,… Agents and programmes, public and privates, especially state-wide and in Europe (but also with international nature if they approach in a very specific way this type of issues that are not that common).From institutional calls made by various areas and departments of public administrations with different levels (from local governments to ministries), calls by foundations, research centres, companies or other cultural and social agents, to specific calls inside big programmes of the European Union.
- Knowing ideas and points of view that help us think about: new areas and sectors with room for improvement that may be explored when searching for financing; the conditions for financing-producing this type of projects; the relationship between financing and financed agents (beyond money); or the benefits and problems linked to these types of financing.
The form will be opened until the 20th of December 2019. Do not leave it for the next moment! And if you want to help spread thin link among those you think may find it interesting and may help. It would be PERFECT!!

Why take part?
● Because the best way to compose this directory is from the knowledge and references of the interpellated agents.
● Because from the collective intelligence it will be easier to identify many more possibilities, to distinguish the most important ones and to discover the most interesting aspects.
● Because the research will be published openly and at the end, apart from what you knew, you will have access to much more information. Pro-common is just possible based on reciprocity!
What will we do with the information we get?
● Create a guide, which in an easy and organized way presents a detailed directory of possibilities. We will make a selection of the information received and the one we look for in a proactive way and we will edit it. The result will be published under creative commons license by sa.
● Later, if the topic awakes interest, in 2020 we would like to organize and activity that allows a meeting in which producers and financiers of this type of proposals could acknowledge themselves, exchange interests, needs, ways of working, and try to find a common framework of possibilities.
This research will be rich and useful if we get the implication of its main participants.Remember that the form will be opened until the 20th of December 2019. PARTICIPATE AND SHARE!
For more information, please, get in touch with us via