
WIKI because it is collaborative
IRIKI because it is open
KIKIRIKI because it is a call

WIKIRIKI offers open call residencies to all kinds of people and collectives (formal and informal), whose practice is linked to research, creation and/or applied creativity.

WIKIRIKI is a call for open experimentation. We mainly seek to invite people and collectives to work experimentally on different aspects relating to Wikitoki’s lines of research and/or specific areas of concern relating to collaborative practices, promoting an atmosphere of hospitality that favours the right conditions for research and creation, stimulating production and exchanging knowledge, resources and projects, and opening the spectrum of relationships of the Wikitoki community.

Notice: The residencies archive content is not yet available in english version please read it in Spanish.

Active projects

Karraskan Embassy

We promote the KARRASKAN Embassy (Basque network for innovation in culture and the culture of innovation) because it puts us in contact with other agents that work in non-disciplinary ways that involve collaboration and hybridisation in art and cultural practices

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Sarean Embassy

We are members of, and collaborate with, Sarean, an association for the sociocultural revitalisation of Plaza Corazón de María. This project articulates many cultural relations and agents in the district.

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Residencies Archive