We are

Experience, complementarity and common objectives

Wikitoki is a private initiative with a public interest and it is not exclusively or directly related to any institution or specific agent. It brings together different people and organisations which have a long trajectory and are representative in their working fields. In Wikitoki we sum up our experiences with the objective of creating synergies and improve our complementarities. Currently, as a result of the working process developed in 2013, the association is composed of the following agents: Ariwake, Artaziak, Basurama, cAnicca, ColaBoraBora, EH kom, Garaje del cambio, Hiritik-at, Histeria Kolektiboa, Ideatomics / Saioa Olmo Alonso, Iker Olabarria, Josune Urrutia Asua, Karraskan, Laura Fernández, Montera34, Pezestudio, Véala / Lorna Biermann López, Violeta Cabello and Yolanda Reclusa Esnotz.

Below are are some of the characteristics and questions to take into account in order to understand the ensemble of agents and our intentions regarding  the expansion and diversification of the group:

  • We are diverse and complementary agents that share collaborative practices as a common thread. We come from different fields mainly related to social innovation, artistic creation and applied creativity.
  • We are different typologies of agents that share common space(s)-project(s)-resource(s).
  • Each agent keeps her specificity, identity-brand and own activity. Our identities – which are autonomous but interdependent -add up  for a common purpose.
Favouring collaborative practices since 2014

We work in various fields, such as architecture and urbanism, the design of processes and experiences, contextual arts and cultural mediation, collective health management, environmental and social ecology, free technologies and open data, transmedia communication, etc.

Where we are

· From the neighbourhood of San Francisco in Bilbao.
· Being an active part of formal and informal networks (local, national and international).
· Working in concrete and placed realities we are close to.
· Engaging with the people and places in which we intervene.

EH kom

EH kom is a non-profit integral cooperative that was born with the aim of deploying and managing open telecommunications networks in the

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Services: Drafting of Specialised Articles and Interviews, Content Creation for Inbound Marketing, Corporate Communications, Event Rapportage, Audiovisual Reports and Corporate

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They carry out data visualisation projects, as well as promoting the use of technology to facilitate infrastructures for access to

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Research-action applied to urban planning, architecture and design. We design spaces, tools and practices that promote the minimisation of our

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Ariwake is a cooperative group that forms, accompanies and facilitates learning processes in five different areas of human development of

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We are an architecture, design and urban planning studio that carries out projects seeking a positive and balanced transformation in

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At ColaBoraBora we work on designing services and facilitating environments and processes of organisational, strategic and social innovation, in a

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Iker Olabarria

Open source data engineer. Design of global IT infrastructures on a human scale. Open source and emerging data technology consultancy,

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Multi-format communication, organic and responsive. A career of more than ten years making communications with an emphasis on social organizations.

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Art projects that delve into social behaviour through participative and collaborative art practices. These projects usually take the form of

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This collective is devoted to cultural and environmental research, creation and production, and has focused its area of study and

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Artaziak is a social initiative cooperative that operates in the field of art education and cultural mediation. We promote learning

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We are a cooperative that designs spaces, processes and strategies to promote local development in different spheres: +Architecture, urban development

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Professional association for the promotion of innovation in culture and the culture of innovation in the Basque Country. A network

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